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5 COVID-19 Myths Debunked

By: Commonwealth Senior Living / 12 Feb 2021
5 COVID-19 Myths Debunked

We know everyone is looking forward to the opportunity to take off our masks, interact with our friends within a close distance, and hug our loved ones again. The COVID-19 vaccine is the next step in leading our communities back to this environment. Commonwealth Senior Living is proud to be doing our part in "kissing COVID farewell", and we want to make sure you are informed on our vaccine plan.

Now that all of our communities have successfully completed their first COVID-19 vaccine clinics, Commonwealth Senior Living is looking forward to beginning our second round of clinics with Walgreens and CVS on site with no out of pocket cost to residents or associates. It is important to get both doses of the vaccine as the second dose is needed to create over 90% immunity to the virus. We are strongly encouraging all residents and associates to agree to receive the vaccine, and this second round of clinics is the perfect time.

Over 26 million individuals in the United States have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and over six million have received their final dose. However, we know you still have questions regarding the vaccine and we want to make sure you have those answers. Josh Allen, Clinical & Resident Care Leader at Commonwealth Senior Living and principal at Allen Flores Consulting Group, has weighed in to give you the most accurate answers to your questions and debunk the myths about COVID-19.

  1. Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine might give me the COVID-19 virus.
    Fact: The vaccines do not use live viruses. They use a carrier that delivers the characteristic information of the COVID-19 virus to your muscle cells, prompting them to create the S-protein that prompts the immune system to build response and memory to that protein.
  2. Myth: If I've had COVID-19 before, I can't get it again.
    Fact: Although previously having the COVID-19 virus does improve your chances of not contracting the virus a second time within the first 90 days, you can contract it a second time. The COVID-19 vaccine, however, has been proven to be 94-95% effective.
  3. Myth: If I already got my flu shot, I don't need to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
    Fact: You should also get the flu shot, as the COVID-19 vaccine does not eliminate risk of both.
  4. Myth: The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine are dangerous.
    Fact: Only a small percentage of individuals who have received the vaccine have reported side effects. The side effects that have occurred typically pass within 24 hours and can include symptoms such as swelling, redness and pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain and fever.
  5. Myth: The vaccine was created quickly, so it can't be safe.
    Fact: Past research on the mRNA delivery system, combined with past research on the SARS and MERS viruses has assisted in the quick development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Check in with your community, health department or pharmacy for more details about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, and watch our virtual presentation here.



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