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Celebrating Assisted Living 2020

By: Commonwealth Senior Living / 25 Sep 2020
Celebrating Assisted Living 2020

This month we celebrated National Assisted Living Week, a week dedicated to our amazing caregivers and residents. In honor of this week, we want to make sure families continue to understand how assisted living and senior living as a whole can benefit the health and wellbeing of our seniors.

At Commonwealth Senior Living, assisted living provides the ideal balance of personalized support with dignity, respect and independence. There may be a time when you or a loved one are no longer able to perform daily activities like cooking or cleaning. When the activities of daily life become cumbersome, assisted living provides support to individuals so that they may focus on the hobbies and interests that bring them joy. No two seniors are exactly the same and by addressing each of their needs through caregiving and our signature programming, we are able to create as many of moments of joy as possible each day for our residents.

Another one of the most important aspects to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for seniors is diet. Commonwealth Senior Living partners with local farmers to provide our residents with fresh, locally sourced fruits and vegetables which have proven to have numerous health benefits including lowering risk of heart disease and promoting higher brain activity.

Our team plays such a vital role in the lives of all our residents and were so honored to be able to celebrate these wonderful relationships during National Assisted Living Week. These are a few highlights from the week!

If you or a loved one are still wondering what level of care might be right for you, take the Roobrik Assessment, a free, anonymous assessment that asks questions about your family's situation to provide support and valuable information to help guide you in your research.

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