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"What They Had" Film Screenings

By: Commonwealth Senior Living / 08 Sep 2022

This year we have chosen the film "What They Had" for our screening and discussion group. Besides it being a beautiful work by an award-winning cast, the story is reminiscent of the accounts we've heard from so many families over the last 20 years - a mother struggling with cognitive decline as the family reacts in a variety of ways. Adult children are often reluctant to interfere in the lives of their parents but are still concerned Mom or Dad isn't getting the care they deserve.  

This journey families take in supporting each other as they age is both emotional and challenging. Being able to experience this from an outside perspective helps us open ourselves to more in-depth conversations within our own families. 

Come join us to watch the film and for a discussion afterward with our Certified Dementia Practitioners. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We encourage families to join us together as it may spark valuable conversations. 

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